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Clancy & Theys Virginia office collects toys for local children in need

This holiday season, the Clancy & Theys Virginia office partnered with the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program for its holiday charitable event. Employees and their families collected gifts over the last few weeks that will go directly to children in the community for Christmas.A decorated Christmas Tree with 40 angle tree donation tags hanging on it.

Each Christmas, more than 60 businesses, churches, corporations and vendors display an Angel Tree for employees and community members to adopt and shop for a child in need. Each tag on an Angel Tree represents an actual child in need in Hampton Roads, outlining items that would make their Christmas special. Children who would otherwise receive very little for Christmas are given personalized gifts of toys and clothes.

Clancy & Theys employees and their families selected an angel tag from the tree and collected gifts for 40 children. Donations included bikes, scooters, toys, clothes and other necessities the children may normally go without.

“Our community means so much to everyone at Clancy & Theys, and we think it’s important to give back to neighbors who may be less fortunate than, especially during the holiday season,” said Tanesha Johnson, receptionist at Clancy & Theys. “Every child deserves to have a special Christmas, and our team has worked extremely hard this year to help make that possible.”

Dozens of donated gifts, including bikes, surround a decorated Christmas tree.Thanks to the entire Clancy & Theys Virginia team and their families for helping provide gifts for children in our community – it was truly a team effort. We hope everyone has happy holidays!

Learn more about the Virginia Salvation Army Angel Tree program here.